Arete: Relationships between integral education, education in values and Olympic education (in Portuguese)




Physical education, Integral education, Sport


Since the end of the twentieth century, it has been possible to identify a set of political and legal forces encompassing State, family and school pushing towards the promotion of comprehensive education focused on childhood and youth (Pacheco, 2008). ‘Integral Education’ as a part of these policies is an educational approach capable of developing skills as a whole to transform student’s reality. One aspect of this approach is the sport practice, which could be considered as an axiological metalanguage useful for education on values. However, there are few studies dedicated to developing or analysing teaching methodologies on values education through sport. Thus, further studies would be needed to investigate the relationship between integral education, Olympic education and the development of life skills. We conclude that to investigate the relationship between integral education, values education and Olympic education may bring elements for the understanding of the role of physical education and sports education to the development of values and life skills.


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How to Cite

Varnier, T. R., Romera, L. A., & Tavares, O. (2021). Arete: Relationships between integral education, education in values and Olympic education (in Portuguese). Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(1proc), S106-S113.