Sport, Olympic educational values and social inclusion: Possible approaches (in Portuguese)




Sport pedagogy, Human development, Life trajectories


Throughout history, sport has been used as a tool of education in values, characterized as an axiological metalanguage. In the contemporary world, a series of social intervention initiatives uses sport to achieve social inclusion, crime prevention, among other social objectives. Scheila Antunes (2018) defined these social intervention initiatives as 'Sports Projects of a Social Character' (PECS), which can be defined as undertakings of non-specific social assistance organizations, which offer sports modalities as the main strategy of action to transform a portion of a social context. In this way, some projects have adopted the values of the Olympic Movement as a reference for the development of their objectives by operating the teaching of Olympic values. These initiatives are generically known as "Olympic education". This essay introduces an investigation between the relations of sport, Olympic education and social inclusion, having as an outline the Olympic education programs in Brazil, which are certified by the Brazilian Committee Pierre de Coubertin. It concludes with the survey of evidence - in the sense of Ginzburg's indicative paradigm - that can be related to Donnelly's four dimensions of social inclusion. Despite the claim that the legacy of Olympic education should be a bridge between the pursuit of excellence for elite athletes, and the pursuit of a child's dreams (Binder, 2012), social inclusion would only be effective after part of these dreams becomes reality in their life trajectories.


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How to Cite

Perovano-Camargo, L., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L. J., & Tavares, O. (2021). Sport, Olympic educational values and social inclusion: Possible approaches (in Portuguese). Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(1proc), S74-S83.

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