Military rehabilitation programs and Paralympic Movement


  • Marcelo de Castro Haiachi Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Erik Bueno de Ávila Brazilian Paralympic Academy, Brazil
  • Vinícius Denardin Cardoso State University of Roraima, UERR, Brazil
  • Sarah Cristina Montes Canuto Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Roberta Santos Kumakura Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Ailton Fernando Santana de Oliveira Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
  • Leonardo José Mataruna-Dos-Santos Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil



Armed conflict, Community reintegration, Veterans, Athletic identity, Social support


The objective of this systematic review was to identify the rehabilitation programs used by armed conflict veterans and their approach to the Paralympic movement. The PRISMA protocol was followed by searching the following databases: ISI Web of Science ™, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Periodical Capes. Of the 666 initial results found, 8 were selected from 2004 to 2018. Only 7% of the studies identified programs that had women. The average age of veterans attended ranged from 18 to 59 years. The main activities carried out by the rehabilitation programs involved sports and recreation programs, competitive sport programs and programs with outdoor activities. Other initiatives were also identified, reinforcing the need to combat the social isolation imposed by the acquired injury, to promote well-being and the development of an active and healthy life, whether in the social field or even in the sports field (athletic identity). In the case of veterans of armed conflict, the feeling that service to the country is not over is present, instead of defending the country in war, now represent the nation on the tracks, courts and fields of international sport, a different battlefield.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Haiachi, M. de C., de Ávila, E. B., Cardoso, V. D., Canuto, S. C. M., Kumakura, R. S., de Oliveira, A. F. S., & Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L. J. (2020). Military rehabilitation programs and Paralympic Movement. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(1proc), S46-S56.

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