Rio 2016 Olympics: Urban regeneration and social legacy
This study aimed to analyse the changes occurred in the urban space in the city of Rio de Janeiro face the Rio 2016 Games. In order to achieve this goal, official documents (bid, the organizing committee, and the legacy plan), official websites and newspapers websites with national and international coverage were analysed. This revealed the Olympic Games worked as catalyser to urban regeneration, mainly in "Porto Maravilha" and the surrounding area to Deodoro X-Park and, the great expansion to transport system, improving the urban mobility, linking all the Rio de Janeiro regions. Consequently, the social legacy appeared mainly in the Deodoro X-Park area, where there was no leisure in public area. Moreover, through improvements made in mobility brought another social aspect linked to the Games. Thus, it is true that the Olympics works as a catalyser to urban space, but not always it is happening in a meaningful, depending exclusively on own governments and a realistic planning for the city.
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