Muscle strength and the complexity of human movement




Reductionist approach, Complex approach, Performance


The mechanisms that influence the ability to produce muscle force are to be found not only in structural or biomechanical elements, but also in factors inherent to inter and intramuscular control and coordination. In the execution of the motor gesture, the body, functioning as a system, produces a quantity of force which, to be effective for the intended purposes, must be managed and integrated by the nervous system. The various expressions of force must be considered in relation to the function. Too often, motor and sports training specialists focus on the development of strength in a rigid and standardized way, following pre-established patterns for every need. The objective of the study is to increase the knowledge of the characteristics that distinguish the different types of force expression through an approach that emphasizes their functionality. Through the PRISMA method, search engines (PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, PMCfreearticle, CrossRef). In conclusion, the study provides an alternative interpretation of the force that is expressed in different ways in relation to the purpose, leaving out, for this reason, reductionist classifications, not very applicable to biological systems.


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How to Cite

Di Domenico, F., & Raiola, G. (2021). Muscle strength and the complexity of human movement. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(3proc), S1481-S1490.

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