Outdoor movement education in primary school during COVID-19 pandemic in the synthetic perceptions of primary school university training student





Distance teaching/learning, Teacher training, Physical activity levels


The problem is the new scenario for the school in the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic era, especially in physical education (PE) because of the extreme difficulty to practice body and physical activity by distance for students 5-11 age. The aim is to detect the opinions of master's degree courses in primary education students to have the complex aspects of contents and objectives of PE in outdoor mode. Through a qualitative survey carried out by submitting specific questionnaires by the Google Modules platform at the random sample of primary education master student population of Salerno and Basilicata in the southern part of Italy. Questionnaire is made by 28 questions related to: demographic data (1-5), practice of indoor and outdoor physical activity (6-14), physical education in school during pandemic (15-18), the future practice or possibility of practicing outdoor lessons (19-23), on the psychological impact due to social distancing / closure of gyms (24-26 ) and on the perception of the importance of physical and motor activity during COVID-19 (27-28). The data showed how active are students, where they practice, how the pandemic and the smart configuration of life affected their lifestyles, what are their perceptions and perspectives about outdoor movement education. Thus, it needs different university training about the teaching methods of PE, the need to provide training actions also on the teaching of outdoor movement education, by providing these knowledges during teachers’ training, it is possible that they can increase children chances of moving and of a global development of their skills.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

D’Elia, F., & D’Isanto, T. (2021). Outdoor movement education in primary school during COVID-19 pandemic in the synthetic perceptions of primary school university training student. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(3proc), S1536-S1551. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2021.16.Proc3.68