Principles of adaptation of the rules for disabled athletes for an inclusion sport


  • Luciana Martino University of Salerno, Italy
  • Erminio Fonzo University of Salerno, Italy
  • Francesco Peluso Cassese University of Salerno, Italy
  • Tiziana D'Isanto University of Salerno, Italy



Diversity, Rules, APA, IPC, SO


One of the aims of the adapted physical activity, APA, is the sport for disabled athletes with specific rules and applied only to the specific category of disabled people who compete under the government of the International Paralympic Committee, IPC, and Special Olympics, SO. The study wants to hypothesize adaptation processes for races open also to other categories of disabled athletes and normal people throughout changes to sports facilities and rules of the sport. The method is that of qualitative research of group work with specific focus after individual elaborations of several students attending the master's degree course in the evaluation of disabled people. The phases are as follows: 1) elaboration of specific ideas for individual sports adapted by the sample of 55 master students; 2) focus groups on analysis and discussion of the problems highlighted in the individual projects; 3) synthesis of the principles and guidelines related to adaptation of race rules and sport facilities. The results shows the selected sport, its adaptation of single race rules and its sport facilities. Number 33 of sports have been hypothesized: 17 individual sports and 16 team ones. This work can create new sports, in which it can compete together athletes with different disabilities , and you can also highlight that in sport, as in life, if we overcome all barriers and limits, mental and physical, nothing is impossible. Inclusive paradigm has to be developed in sport also for the race effect.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Martino, L., Fonzo, E., Peluso Cassese, F., & D’Isanto, T. (2019). Principles of adaptation of the rules for disabled athletes for an inclusion sport. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(2proc), S215-S220.

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