Sea sports: Taxonomy of the physical activities in the sea and its relation with obligatory education


  • José Antonio Pérez Turpin University of Alicante, Spain
  • Concepción Suárez Llorca University of Alicante, Spain
  • Juan José Chinchilla Mira University of Alicante, Spain



Sea sports, Taxonomy, Education


The sea is the biggest and less known environment of the planet. Many researches have tried to approach and link the physical activities in the sea to the educational context, but not very often this connection has been successful. Physical activities in the sea have been classified by a great number of teachers and professors. They have tried to understand and diversify the physical-sport practice in this environment during a long time. In this article, a new ecological classification of the physical activities in the sea is proposed. At the same time, some educational proposals for these activities in the obligatory educational stages will be included.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Pérez Turpin, J. A., Suárez Llorca, C., & Chinchilla Mira, J. J. (2008). Sea sports: Taxonomy of the physical activities in the sea and its relation with obligatory education. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 1(1), 24–29.



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