Characterization of motivation and type of physical-sport practice in adults through COMPASS profiles


  • Ramón Chacón Cuberos University of Granada, Spain
  • Fátima Chacón Borrego University of Sevilla, Spain
  • Félix Zurita Ortega University of Granada, Spain
  • Javier Cachón Zagalaz University of Jaen, Spain
  • María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez University of Jaen, Spain
  • Juan José Chinchilla Mira University of Alicante, Spain



Physical activity, Sport, Compass profiles, Adulthood, Motivation


Physical Activity and Sport Practice (PASP) have grown in popularity in last years given its positive effects at physiological, social, cognitive and emotional level. Several researches have studied the main motivations involved in PASP using the Self-Determination Theory, highlighting the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic reasons. This descriptive and cross sectional study aims to establish the main motivations involved in physical activity and to identify its association with the sport profiles proposed by COMPASS project (2000). The research was conducted with a sample of 1002 adults (a 53% is female and a 47% is male) from Sevilla (= 45.35 years old; SD = 17.96), using the C-PAFYD questionnaire with a reliability of α = .84. The results show that profile 1 (competitive and intensive) comprises intrinsic and extrinsic motivations such as hedonism, desire of competition and to achieve a sport career, while profile 2 is oriented towards least self-determined motivations as health improving. In addition, these participants do physical activity alone or with co-workers. The profiles 3 and 4 (regular and non-organized physical activity) are related to motivations of social and ludic type. In fact, this sport practice is mainly done with friends and peers in public places. Finally, profiles 5 and 6, which are associated with an irregular and occasional PASP, manifested extrinsic motivations such as disease prevention.


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How to Cite

Chacón Cuberos, R., Chacón Borrego, F., Zurita Ortega, F., Cachón Zagalaz, J., Zagalaz Sánchez, M. L., & Chinchilla Mira, J. J. (2018). Characterization of motivation and type of physical-sport practice in adults through COMPASS profiles. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 13(1), 161–173.



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