How are quality of life and preferred values viewed by Hungarian adults?


  • Bognár József Semmelweis University, Hungary
  • Gangl Judit Semmelweis University, Hungary
  • Konczos Csaba University of West Hungary, Hungary
  • Fügedi Balázs University of West Hungary, Savaria Campus, Hungary
  • K. Geosits Beatrix University of West Hungary, Hungary
  • Agócs Attila University of West Hungary, Savaria Campus, Hungary



Adults, Value and activity system, Health, Physical activity


The purpose of this study was to reveal the characteristics of quality of life, activities, and value systems of the adults participating in our survey.  Within these factors, we paid special attention to psychosomatic values such as health, physical activity, free time, and to such activities as sports, trips, and walking.  Our sample (N=142) was selected in Budapest and in eight cities/towns in Western? Hungary and was asked to fill out a questionnaire with open- and closed-ended questions. The middle-aged adults participating in the study (M=45,8 SD±8,810) seem to have a sufficient amount of free time, and only a third of them take part in no or very little physical activity on a regular basis.  Personal relationships were the most important component of quality of life, followed by physical environment, meaning in life, and health satisfaction.  They also unequivocally considered family as the most important among the value categories.  In addition, they ranked health, love, and honour at the top of their scale.  The least accepted or preferred values from the bottom of the ordinal scale were sports, career, and free time.  As to the rank order of everyday activities, at the top of the scale we can find sleeping/relaxation, reading, TV/film. Society/friends, physical activities/games, computing/internet, trips/walking, and listening to music were considered less popular.  In accordance with the literature, the values rank order of the adult population has revealed that sports and trips are significantly less preferred values and activity forms than passive relaxation, sleeping, reading, and watching TV.



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How to Cite

József, B., Judit, G., Csaba, K., Balázs, F., Beatrix, K. G., & Attila, A. (2010). How are quality of life and preferred values viewed by Hungarian adults?. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 5(1), 84–93.



Sport Medicine, Nutrition & Health