Analysis of the characteristics of Federated Carpfishing Anglers in Spain


  • Javier Cachón University of Jaén, Spain
  • Pedro Valdivia-Moral University of Granada, Spain
  • Ana Ortiz Ortiz University of Jaén, Spain
  • Clemente Pozuelo University of Jaén, Spain
  • Fátima Chacón-Borrego University of Sevilla, Spain



Competition, Fishing, Psychology


The objective of this work is to know the characteristics of the federated sport anglers who practice the method of fishing known as Carpfishing. The sample is composed of 47 anglers, (n=47) of different fishing clubs that practice the method of Carpfishing in Spain. The investigation was carried out with a quantitative design that was both transversal and descriptive. A descriptive analysis was done in which values of frequency and percentage were found. In the second place, the ANOVA test was performed to compare the differences between groups. The results demonstrate that significant differences were found in distinct items in accordance to the grouping variables analyzed. Among the conclusions, it is pointed out that in relation to the psychophysical characteristics related to the sport that the anglers try to spend as little time as possible without sleeping during a competition.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Cachón, J., Valdivia-Moral, P., Ortiz, A. O., Pozuelo, C., & Chacón-Borrego, F. (2015). Analysis of the characteristics of Federated Carpfishing Anglers in Spain. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 10(1), 52–64.



Performance Analysis of Sport

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