Brazilian identity in transition: The look of the foreign media upon the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Rio 2016






The article aims at an investigation of the forms of narration of Brazil’s international image through the Olympic Games Rio 2016. The objective is to extend the knowledge and understanding of narratives upon Brazil and its identity elements which were built abroad in the context of the Olympic Games Rio 2016. Texts from published international newspapers are analyzed as result of the Opening Ceremony. The selection criterion of the periodicals was defined from the participating countries whose official languages were Portuguese, Spanish and or English. The study characterizes itself as a qualitative research, based on bibliographic and documental sources. The analysis showed new identity representations about Brazil, pointing to the presence of new elements, from the reports published by foreign media.


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNpQ).


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How to Cite

Todt, N., Puhl, P., Scarton, A., & Guiramand, M. (2018). Brazilian identity in transition: The look of the foreign media upon the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Rio 2016. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 13(1proc), S3-S16.