Cultural Olympiad Rio 2016: The perception of the Olympic Games spectators






Mega-events are events of short or pre-established duration with large public, financial investment, repercussion and cultural involvement, such as the Olympic Games. Created in antiquity and reestablished by the French Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1896, the Games have since their idealization not only sporting events but also a program called the Cultural Olympiad, promoting culture through attractions and shows. The objectives of this study are to verify the perception and the involvement of spectators of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games with the Cultural Olympiad. The data were collected from a questionnaire applied to 1233 spectators during the Pentathlon events in the Rio 2016 Games. As a result, spectators questioned about the "amount of information they received about Cultural Olympiad events" reported that received "a lot" (24.8%), "little" (44.8%) and "none" (26.9%) information. When asked if they had "attended any of the Cultural Olympiad events", 39.7% responded positively and 56.8% negatively. The results indicate the need for an evaluation on the dissemination of Cultural Olympiad events, as well as a review of the types of activities proposed for these events.


PUCRS University, International Union of Modern Pentathlon.


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How to Cite

Todt, N., Müller, N., Scarton, A., & Merlin, G. (2018). Cultural Olympiad Rio 2016: The perception of the Olympic Games spectators. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 13(1proc), S153-S161.