Study on the essential amino acid’s supplements with absorption patterns in the improvement of the performance for sportspeople: GFS AMINO


  • José Antonio Pérez-Turpin University of Alicante, Spain
  • María José Gomis-Gomis University of Alicante, Spain
  • Carlos Elvira-Aranda University of Alicante, Spain
  • Pablo Pérez-Suárez University of Alicante, Spain



Essential Amino Acids, GFS AMINOS, Sports Performance, Supplementation, Sports-People


Sports-people’s performance at their sport can vary due to the development of their athletic activity when competing. In addition to this, the scientific community have recently increased their interest for the study of essential amino acid’s supplements (EA). The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of the ingestion of an amino acid’s supplement with absorption patterns and its relation with the performance of 32 sportsmen in a maximum stress test of their VO2max. For this study we used a double-blind design. Thirty-two experienced sportsmen, (aged 34 ± 6.5 and; height 178.5 ± 4.5 cm; weight 72.6 ± 8.6 kg), were evaluated during their performance. All of them followed an ingestion protocol of an amino acid supplement with absorption patterns (16.6gr) of GFS AMINOS dissolved in 140ml of water, 20 minutes before starting the test and a later execution consisting in an increasing-stress test, until they stopped voluntarily. At the end of the test we carried out a measuring of their Body Mass Index (BMI), a blood-lactate, a lower body strength test and a cognitive test. The results of this study showed significant differences (P < 0.05) in the performance over time and duration in the stress test, together with a lower loss of cognitive attention and a decreasing of the fat percentage. In sum, this essential amino acid supplement with absorption patterns GFS AMINOS can improve sports-people’s performance and accelerate the use of body fat.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Gomis-Gomis, M. J., Elvira-Aranda, C., & Pérez-Suárez, P. (2018). Study on the essential amino acid’s supplements with absorption patterns in the improvement of the performance for sportspeople: GFS AMINO. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 13(2), 393–400.



Sport Medicine, Nutrition & Health

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