Pilot study on sprint training methods in different types of athletes


  • Federica Pisapia University of Salerno, Italy
  • Ario Federici University of Carlo Bo Urbino, Italy
  • Manuela Valentini University Carlo Bo of Urbino, Italy
  • Tiziana D'Isanto University of Salerno, Italy




Disabled athlete, Cognitive approach, Ecological-Dynamic approach, Prescriptive teaching, Heuristic learning, IPC


From the recognition of the scientific literature it emerges that the International Paralympic Committee and the Italian Paralympic Committee, together with the Special Olympics, present a segregative imprint in sports activities, as the current Regulations allow the restricted participation to specific types of disabilities, excluding the inclusion of others, so the difficulty lies in finding a different method that is suitable for all the different types of athletes. Taking up the two approaches (cognitive and ecological), mentioned in the previous study, it is preferable to limit the method of prescriptive teaching for athletes with disabilities on 100, 200, 400m, because they must adapt to a diversity compared to non-disabled people. For this reason, the adaptation is personal and then it occurs according to the heuristic learning method. Therefore, the integration of the above mentioned approaches is proposed, giving shape to a model characterized by a specific training of organic and muscular adaptations, also in qualitative terms, with the integration of heuristic learning and types of periodization and training methods with differences in the competition rules. The aim of this study is to hypothesize, through the theoretical method, a model that is able to enhance all types of athletes, according to their specific characteristics.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Pisapia, F., Federici, A., Valentini, M., & D’Isanto, T. (2019). Pilot study on sprint training methods in different types of athletes. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(2proc), S189-S197. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2019.14.Proc2.05

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