Self-physical and emotional perception in volleyball for drop out




Self-perception, Physical and emotional workload, Physical and mental well-being


Very often, during the annual planning and scheduling of the objectives of the various team sports sessions, one is overwhelmed by the fear of lack of time, and very important aspects, erroneously considered secondary, including the psychological aspect, are left out. In volleyball, in order to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to start at a young age and to commit oneself a lot, but not always enough, because it is a selective sport. The purpose of the study is to study, in different groups of athletes (6-9 years, 9-12 years, 14-18 years) of volleyball, how they deal emotionally and physically with the physical and emotional workloads and especially if you find physical and mental well-being. The method of the study is qualitative/quantitative and the administration of 10 questions: 5 to identify the physical self-perception and 5 for the emotional one, is done anonymously. The data shows that the self-perception for physical performance is on average positive and the self-perception for motivation performance is on average negative. This data is significant for the perceptive state of the athletes to whom it is necessary to refer in order to realistically face the problem. Given the data and their significance, the study must be deepened with a more significant and detailed sample of data.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Altavilla, G., Forte, D., & D’Isanto, T. (2019). Self-physical and emotional perception in volleyball for drop out. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(4proc), S1022-S1029.

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