Efficacy of 12 weeks of proprioceptive training in patients with multiple sclerosis


  • Patrizia Proia University of Palermo, Italy https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0326-5560
  • Alessandra Amato University of Palermo, Italy
  • Rosalia Puleo University of Palermo, Italy
  • Francesco Arnetta University of Palermo, Italy
  • Federica Rizzo University of Palermo, Italy
  • Licia Di Grigoli University of Palermo, Italy
  • Daniele Zangla University of Palermo, Italy
  • Giuseppe Schirò University of Palermo, Italy
  • Paolo Ragonese University of Palermo, Italy
  • Giuseppe Messina University of Palermo, Italy


Dynamic balance, Neurodegenerative disease, Baropodometry, Proprioceptive training


This pilot study aims to investigate if specific training protocol can improve the quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis through the improvement of some impaired ability like the balance. We enrolled in our project 20 subjects (age: 34,88 ± 4,45; height: 168,25 ± 8,66 cm; weight: 72,31 ± 17,28 kg) but only 5 completed the study. A proprioceptive training was administered for 12 weeks, 2 times a week, an hour for each session. At the beginning (T0) and at the end of the study (T1), static and dynamic balance parameters were tested. Statistical analyzes were performed using R version 3.4.3 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22.Changes in balance and strength between T0, T1 were evaluated using t Student test for paired data. Pearson linear correlation coefficient was used to investigate the correlations between all parameters analyzed. As regards static baropodometry, there was a statistic significant different between left forefoot load (T0: 54,25 ± 2,5 % ;T1:59,5± 1,73%; P<0,05) and left rearfoot load (T0: 45,75± 2,5% ;T1: 40,5± 1,73%; P<0,05). In dynamic baropodometry we gave more attention to three parameters: left length gait line (T0:176±23,58; T1: 215±18,64; P<0,05), right surface (T0: 106,75±14,97; T1: 149±11,58;P<0,05) and right pressure point (T0: 1050± 130,90; T1: 537,25±65,46; P<0,05). In conclusion, it is possible to hypothesize that the application of proprioceptive treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis can improve gait stability and therefore the walking. However, further studies, with a greater number of subjects, are necessary to confirm this trend.


Master University


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How to Cite

Proia, P., Amato, A., Puleo, R., Arnetta, F., Rizzo, F., Di Grigoli, L., Zangla, D., Schirò, G., Ragonese, P., & Messina, G. (2019). Efficacy of 12 weeks of proprioceptive training in patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(5proc), S1986-S1992. Retrieved from https://www.jhse.ua.es/article/view/2019-v14-n5-proc-12-weeks-proprioceptive-training-patients-multi

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