The educational value of the rules in five-a-side football


  • Felice Di Domenico University of Salerno, Italy
  • Italo Sannicandro University of Foggia, Italy
  • Gaetano Altavilla University of Salerno, Italy


Game rules, Basic technique, Principles of individual and collective tactics


The rules of the game of team sports and the technical and tactical modalities applicable to them are indispensable for practicing sports in a competitive way. The correct competition arose from the automatic mechanism of the sanction following the infringement of a game rule which is also aided by the relational dynamics of the individual members of the group who claim the application of the rule to continue playing. The competition can also be self-regulated by the two groups that compete for the victory without even the referee's decisive action as always happens in training activities. This phenomenon is found only in those contexts where the rule is necessary and sufficient on its own to guarantee the orderly development of activities. The aim of the study is to identify the significant elements of the five-a-side football rules, and the related technical and tactical behaviours, to identify an inventory of significant behaviours. The method is documentary archive research for the analysis of the game rules of the team sport in question, and a subsequent comparative method among the grids of indicators, descriptors and weights that classify rule, technique and tactics. The expected results will focus on the fair presence of the significant elements and the commonality or discrepancy between team sports. The data is useful to measure the quantity of significant behaviours in order to qualitatively elaborate the value of each of them compared to the other current behaviours of the quantitative performance and to establish the connections.


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How to Cite

Di Domenico, F., Sannicandro, I., & Altavilla, G. (2020). The educational value of the rules in five-a-side football. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(3proc), S645-S655. Retrieved from

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