Circus-mobility: The value of a circus laboratory at school


  • Manuela Valentini University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy
  • Alice Cesauri University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy
  • Rosaria Schembri University of Enna Kore, Italy
  • Ario Federici University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy


Physic education, Circus, Social circus, Motor skills, Circus psychomotor skills, Circus pedagogy


The circus has always fascinated children due to its magic, imaginary and creativity. In this work, we analyse international research which emphasises the value of the discipline of the circus in relation to mobility. The aim of the study is to introduce the circus into schools. Although there is no unique definition of circus pedagogy as yet, scholars agree that such a discipline could provide a valid alternative to learn and deepen various mobility contents. We report examples of proposed school activities from the international landscape. Taking into consideration that circus pedagogy is little known in Italy, a comparison with the “National curriculum guidelines for 2012” Italy, was key to adapting this discipline to the Italian school context (in nursery and primary school) contributing to create and integrate a pupil’s mobility experience creatively.


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How to Cite

Valentini, M., Cesauri, A., Schembri, R., & Federici, A. (2020). Circus-mobility: The value of a circus laboratory at school. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(4proc), S1081-S1092. Retrieved from

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