Embodied cognition, effective learning and physical activity as a shared feature: Systematic review
Maths teaching, Physical activity, Physical education, Primary school, Subject integrationAbstract
Background: according to the embodied cognition perspective, the interaction of the body with the environment builds knowledge, and physical activity can enhance cognitive development. Methodology: the purpose of this research is to conduct a systematic literature review of studies on the integration between physical activity and mathematics in the context of primary school and the effects on learning resulting from these types of intervention. Findings: bibliographic research led to the selection of 34 studies. Analysis of the protocols revealed that motor activity could have a positive impact on learning mathematics and in no case affects it negatively. Conclusions: this method of teaching can also contribute to improved pupils’ participation in educational activities, increased motivation, greater well-being, and reduced sedentary lifestyle. Further research could assess the extensibility of these studies to contexts beyond primary school and their impact on teaching.
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