Fitness – aerobic training of 15 – 17 years´ age girl students, who have significant risk of deviations in backbone functional state
Lyceum, Backbone, Health, Aerobic, Fit-Ball, FunctionalAbstract
Purpose: to work out complex of health related aerobic exercises with fit-ball for girl students, who have significant risk of backbone pathologies. Material: in the research 1st-3rd year girl students (n=50, age – 15-17 years) participated. Questionnaire for assessment of self feeling was used. For diagnostic of backbone mobility we used criterion of functional disorders and trainings effectiveness assessment. The diagnostic included eight tests for every girl student of risk group - Cervical spine mobility, Otta’s test, Chest excursion, Shober’s test, Tomayer’s test, Pavelky’s (left) test, Pavelky’s (right) test and Backbone index. The main research method was pedagogic experiment. Results: it was found that 50% of 1st year girl students have pain in back. Average level of backbone mobility (backbone index) in the tested group was 86.9% from approximate norm at the end of the research. Conclusions: we found that it is possible to prevent from deviations in backbone functional state and preservation of its functional level in fit-ball aerobic trainings. Fit-ball aerobic trainings resulted in confident improvement of indicators of backbone mobility.Downloads
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