An innovative Educational-Sport strategy to aim to inclusion: Biodanza SRT
Biodanza SRT, Special Educational Needs, SEN, Inclusion, Inclusive didacticsAbstract
In the perspective of inclusive didactics, the differences are not only accepted, but also stimulated, valued, used in daily activities to work together and grow both as individuals and as a group. The basis of this new vision of the teaching-learning approach is precisely the "motor activities and the corporeity which, starting from what a person is able to give or to do, stimulate the consideration of oneself and one's own existence. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to identify and analyse the Biodanza SRT System as an educational strategy that, within the Inclusive Didactics-related teaching-learning process, represents a new innovative methodology able to contribute to the enhancement of diversity as a resource, and bring benefits to the overall well-being of the disabled or discomfort person, by facilitating a better "functioning" of the social context he is included (ICF-CY) and favouring Well-being and Inclusion. Through a careful analysis of literature references and protocols already exist for this educational-sport strategy arrive at a result that Biodanza is not considered as a therapy as it does not act on symptoms, conflicts, and disorders, but, in a therapeutic way, it stimulates the “healthy part" and its inclusion in programs or protocols: it is not intended as an "alternative" proposal but as a further strategy to be integrated with the actions already implemented in the different contexts. From the point of view of Special Didactics, the Biodanza seems to be an excellent strategy to aim to inclusion and "normal specialty".Downloads
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