Experimental pedagogy: New technologies


  • Davide Di Palma University Parthenope of Naples, Italy
  • Roberta Rosa University Parthenope of Naples, Italy
  • Antonio Ascione University Parthenope of Naples, Italy




Technology, Exergames, Experimental pedagogy, School system, Motor and sports didactics


Technological innovations concern a new opportunity for experimental pedagogical development in any school and formative context. This statement is reflected in the didactic dimension of motor and sports sciences. The main objective of this contribution is to analyse the so called "exergames" as an innovative proposal to be included in the formative offer, in motor and sports fields, of the school system in order to guarantee a more effective didactic approach. In this regard, through a review of the scientific reference literature, the pedagogical benefits on students in terms of increased level of learning and motivation to study will be framed.


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How to Cite

Di Palma, D., Rosa, R., & Ascione, A. (2019). Experimental pedagogy: New technologies. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(2proc), S149-S158. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2019.14.Proc2.01

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