Innovative educational methodologies and corporeity factor


  • Antonio Ascione University Parthenope of Naples, Italy
  • Davide Di Palma University Parthenope of Naples, Italy
  • Roberta Rosa University Parthenope of Naples, Italy



Laboratory, Corporeity, Experimental pedagogy, Integrated educational methods, School and social formation


The aim of this paper is to support the experimentation of new integrated educational methods to promote the development of new knowledge. Through the involvement of the body it is possible to make training “real”; that is: making it become effective through learning practices to transformation that is significant from an educational and lifelong learning point of view. In the training field, the tool that can represent the reciprocity between theory and practice is the laboratory; in the existential realm, the effectiveness of the interdependence between thought-action is embodied by corporeity. Therefore, the two key words "laboratory" and "corporeity" allow accessing the realm of the theory and that of pedagogical practice, placing it on the ground of contact and relationship in which experimentation, transformation and innovation are generated. Therefore, everything is explicit in the need to hypothesize models of school and social education that bestow back greater legitimacy to the laboratory and to the effectiveness of corporeity, and in which it is possible to realize not only real opportunities to experiment the potential of each type of knowledge, but above all the implicit transformative potential in the possibility of combining them together.


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How to Cite

Ascione, A., Di Palma, D., & Rosa, R. (2019). Innovative educational methodologies and corporeity factor. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(2proc), S159-S168.

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