Studying tennis theory, methodology and didactics: Laboratory didactics experiments for motor sciences


  • Diego Davide Parthenope University, Italy
  • Roberta Rosa IUL Telematic University, Italy
  • Domenico Tafuri Parthenope University, Italy


Tennis, Laboratory didactics experiments, Motor sciences, Learning


Can a literary success become the starting point for a course on individual sports methodologies? The didactic experiment described in these pages shows that reading and sports are not in antithesis, but they can work together to develop innovative didactic methods that keep up with the attitudes and needs of the digital natives generation.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Davide, D., Rosa, R., & Tafuri, D. (2019). Studying tennis theory, methodology and didactics: Laboratory didactics experiments for motor sciences. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(5proc), S1938-S1943. Retrieved from

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