Youth deviance in group and prevention in educational-training contexts: Biodanza SRT as a strategy for the development of personal skills and talents


  • Roberta Rosa IUL Telematic University, Italy
  • Giuseppe Madonna University of Naples “Parthenope, Italy


Youth deviance in group, Prevention, Biodanza SRT


Youth deviance in Italy is a phenomenon that is involving an ever-increasing number of young people and, unfortunately, is contributing strongly to crime, with a corresponding increase in frequent recidivism. It is urgent to undertake actions aimed at prevention through effective intervention proposals reflecting a high educational value and a transformative value of deviant behaviour and social maladaptation, aimed at the development of psycho-social and crossmodal (body-emotional-empathetic-cognitive-relational) skills useful to counter the onset of criminal behaviour. Being a valid educational-training strategy to be implemented in compulsory schools, though actively involving experiences, Biodanza SRT focuses body and corporeity as paths of knowledge, restoring human dignity, positive identification, empowerment, consciousness, talent enhancement and awareness of oneself, of one's own abilities and skills.


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How to Cite

Rosa, R., & Madonna, G. (2020). Youth deviance in group and prevention in educational-training contexts: Biodanza SRT as a strategy for the development of personal skills and talents. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 15(3proc), S562-S574. Retrieved from

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