Between analogue past and digital present, The Sports Almanac: A didactic proposal for the History of Sport


  • Diego Davide Parthenope University, Italy
  • Roberta Rosa IUL Telematic University, Italy
  • Domenico Tafuri Parthenope University, Italy


Sport, History of sport, Digital humanities, Digital teaching


Laboratory didactic activity with the active involvement of students, no longer seen as passive recipients of a top-down knowledge but as active protagonists of the training moment and the opportunities offered by the digital world, are the starting point of this didactic experience aimed at creating a photographic almanac, in which the sports performance or event is analyzed in the light of a larger and more complex picture of historical events. Thus the student is encouraged to experiment with a new narrative mode, use a new source, read critically and learn no longer according to a sterile memorization, but by developing specific skills.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Davide, D., Rosa, R., & Tafuri, D. (2019). Between analogue past and digital present, The Sports Almanac: A didactic proposal for the History of Sport. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(5proc), S1944-S1949. Retrieved from

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