Strength improvement in adults healthy men


  • Francesco Perrotta M.I.U.R. Campania, Italy
  • Roberta Rosa IUL Telematic University, Italy
  • Giuseppe Madonna Parthenope University, Italy


Strength, Men, Strength improvement


A strength is a physical vector quantity that manifests itself in the mutual interaction of two or more bodies, both at the macroscopic level and at the level of elementary particles. Quantifies the phenomenon of induction of a change in the state of rest or motion of the bodies themselves; in the presence of more strengths, it is the result of their vector composition that determines the variation of motion. The strength is classically described by Newton's second law as a temporal derivative of the momentum of a body with respect to time. A strength is often described as a push or pull. The strengths may be due to phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or any other phenomenon that causes a body to accelerate.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Perrotta, F., Rosa, R., & Madonna, G. (2019). Strength improvement in adults healthy men. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(5proc), S1969-S1976. Retrieved from

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