Experimental evaluation of the school well-being improvement for primary school students through a water polo sports laboratory


  • Davide Di Palma Parthenope University, Italy
  • Salvatore Iovino University Parthenope of Naples, Italy
  • Antonio Ascione University Parthenope of Naples, Italy




School well-being, Sports laboratory, Experimental pedagogy, Water polo, Primary school


The concept of well-being can be now extended to all social environments that provide a relational system between the various individuals, and among these environments, one of the most important is certainly school. The purpose of this contribution is to show the concept of school well-being and then analyze if an experimental proposal of a sports laboratory could be an effective pedagogical strategy, capable of improving the level of well-being for students. In this regard, at primary school level, a laboratory activity on water polo was provided, and through the QBS-B questionnaire, the change in the level of school well-being perceived by the students, from the "pre" Laboratory period to the "post" one, was assessed.


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Statistics RUA



How to Cite

Di Palma, D., Iovino, S., & Ascione, A. (2019). Experimental evaluation of the school well-being improvement for primary school students through a water polo sports laboratory. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(4proc), S885-S895. https://doi.org/10.14198/jhse.2019.14.Proc4.51

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