An experimental didactic path to "re-educate to values" through motor and sports practice



Innovative didactics, Re-Educate to values, Motor education, Sports education, Social deviance phenomena, Experimental didactics


Physical and sports practice, to date, is called to explode all its educational potential both in formal and non-formal training contexts. This assumption takes on even more importance when the pedagogical and training action must be aimed at critical social contexts. In order to achieve this task, it is essential to structure didactic strategies that convey motor and sports activities towards the pursuit of educational-pedagogical objectives. In this regard, this research work proposes an experimental didactic path aimed at subjects who have experienced social deviance phenomena, and oriented towards their "re-education to values".


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How to Cite

Di Palma, D. (2021). An experimental didactic path to "re-educate to values" through motor and sports practice. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(2proc), S259-S268. Retrieved from

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