Circadian rhythms, physical activity and longevity


  • Rosarita Nasso Parthenope University, Italy
  • Valentina Pagliara Parthenope University, Italy
  • Antonio Ascione Parthenope University, Italy
  • Mariorosario Masullo Parthenope University, Italy
  • Rosaria Arcone Parthenope University, Italy


Circadian rhythms, Human health, Physical activity, Longevity, Training activity


Human health implies complex mechanisms and involves diseases prevention aimed at ensuring a psycho-physical wellbeing homoeostasis. The search for longevity can be related to the slowdown in aging, and psycho-physical wellbeing is often related to the lifestyle, mainly to the human physical activity and nutrition. Circadian rhythms are processes that affect the behaviour, physiology and metabolism of mammals across cyclic periods of 24 hours. These rhythms are regulated by multiple physiological systems, whose key elements are the alternation between light and dark and between food consumption and periods of fasting. Therefore, during evolution, a constant adaptation to natural rhythms by humans has been established towards the surrounding environment determining periods of food consumption and periods of fasting coinciding with rest. Recent sociological surveys have shown that there is a slight increase in the number of people who devote themselves to a constant physical/sport activity, but this is an ephemeral percentage compared to the dramatic increase in the incidence of diseases related to aging such as obesity and diabetes, easily preventable with healthy lifestyles. Therefore, the connection between circadian rhythms, physical activity and lifestyles represents an important feature involved in human longevity. Here, a survive of the biological mechanisms, implied in this behaviour, is presented.


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How to Cite

Nasso, R., Pagliara, V., Ascione, A., Masullo, M., & Arcone, R. (2019). Circadian rhythms, physical activity and longevity. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 14(5proc), S1925-S1930. Retrieved from

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